Fabrice Crivello
University of Bordeaux, France
Fabrice Crivello studied signal and image processing before receiving his Ph.D. in biological and medical engineering from Paris XII University in 1997. His Ph.D. topic was on the detection and localization of cerebral activations with positron emission tomography. He then obtained a postdoctoral position in the context of the European Union Program BIOTECH, entitled: “European Computerized Human Brain Database – coord. Per Roland – Karolinska Institute” aiming at building a multiscale and multi-modality neuroanatomical database. He was appointed as a research fellow at the Atomic Energy Commission (commissariat à l’énergie atomique CEA) in December 1998 and received his habilitation to conduct research in March 2006. In July 2011 he was appointed to his current position at the Neurofunctional imaging group (GIN) – UMR 5296 CEA-CNRS-University of Bordeauxin Bordeaux.
Dr. Crivello’s research focuses on the development of neuroanatomical data analysis methods to explore large imaging cohorts. In this context, he coordinates the setting-up, standardization and distribution of the automated procedures dedicated to the extraction of cerebral structural phenotypes (brain volumes for example) from the various neuroimaging databases the GIN is working with.